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Es wurden 1113 Schallplatten gefunden
Interpret Titel Cover Jahr Stil Zustand Aktion
Abrahams, MickAt Last1972Blues RockDetails
Abrahams, MickMick Abrahams1971Blues RockDetails
AC/DCIf You Want Blood1978RockDetails
Adams, BrianYou Want It, You Got It1981Pop RockDetails
AdeleAdele 302021Ballad, Neo Soul, Piano BluesDetails
Airforce, Ginger Baker´sAir Force 21970 / 1976Blues Rock, Jazz-Rock, Prog RockDetails
Airforce, Ginger Baker´sAirforce Two1970Blues Rock, Jazz-Rock, Prog RockDetails
Airforce, Ginger Baker´sGinger Baker's Air Force1970 Fusion, Rock, Jazz-Rock, Prog RockDetails
Alabama ShakesBoys & Girls2012Rock, Funk / Soul, BluesDetails
AlarmStrength1985Alternative RockDetails
AlicePer Elisa1981Pop RockDetails
Allman BrohersWipe the Windows1976Blues Rock, Southern RockDetails
Allman BrothersAt Fillmore East1971Blues Rock, Southern RockDetails
Allman BrothersThe Road Goes On Forever1975Blues Rock, Southern RockDetails
Allman BrothersWin, Lose Or Draw1975Southern Rock, Blues RockDetails
Allman Brothers Band At Fillmore East1972Blues Rock, Southern RockDetails
Allman, GregGreg Allman Tour1974South-RockDetails
AmericaGreatest Hits1975Folk RockDetails
AmericaSilent Letter1979Folk Rock, Soft Rock, Classic RockDetails
ami MarieVerrückt nach Glück1981Electronic, AvantgardeDetails
Amon Düül IILive in London1974 / 1982Krautrock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Amon Düül IIPhallus Dei1969 / 2009Krautrock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Amon Düül IIYeti1970 / 2009Krautrock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Angel CityNight Attack1982RockDetails
AnimalsAnimalization1966Rhythm & BluesDetails
April WineFirst Glance1979RockDetails
ArgentIn Deep1973Prog Rock, Classic RockDetails
ArgentNexus1974Prog Rock, Classic RockDetails
ArmageddonArmageddon1975Hard Rock, Prog RockDetails
Armatrading, JoanBack To The Night1975 / 1984Folk Rock, SoulDetails
Armatrading, JoanShow Some Emotion1977Soft Rock, SoulDetails
Armatrading, JoanSteppin' Out1979Blues, Pop, VocalDetails
Armatrading, JoanThe Key1983Pop Rock, SoulDetails
Armatrading, JoanWalk Under Ladders1981Pop Rock, SoulDetails
Armatrading, JoanWhatever's For Us1972 Pop Rock, Soul, VocalDetails
Armstrong, LouisThe Best Of Louis Armstrong1970Jazz, DixielandDetails
Armstrong, LouisVerve Jazz No. 11956 - 1960Jazz, SwingDetails
AshraBelle Alliance1980 ElectronicDetails
AshraCorrelations1979Electronic, RockDetails
Ashton, Gardner & DykeWhat A Bloody Long Day It's Been1972RockDetails
AsiaAsia1982Pop Rock, Prog RockDetails
AtlantisAtlantis1972Rock, Blues RockDetails
AtlantisGet on Board1975Funky-RockDetails
AtlantisIt's Getting Better1973Rock, Blues RockDetails
AtlantisOoh, Baby1974Funky-RockDetails
Average White BandPerson to Person1976Funk, SoulDetails
Ayers, KevinBananamour1973Rock, PopDetails
B-52'sParty Mix!1981Pop Rock, New WaveDetails
B.T.O.Head On1975RockDetails
Babe RuthBest of1976RockDetails
Bad CompanyBad Company1974Rock, Blues RockDetails
Bad CompanyDesolation Angel1979Rock, Blues RockDetails
Bad CompanyStraight Shooter1975Rock, Blues RockDetails
Bailey, PhilipChinese Wall1984Pop, Soul, RockDetails
Baker Gurvitz ArmyBaker Gurvitz Army1974RockDetails
Baker Gurvitz ArmyHearts on Fire1976RockDetails
Ballard, RussRuss Ballard1984Rock, PopDetails
BandMoondog Matinee1973Folk Rock, Country RockDetails
Basie, CountBasie Boogie1983Big Band, SwingDetails
Beach Boys40 Greatest Hits19704Pop, SurfDetails
Beach BoysPet Sounds1966 / 2016Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Beach BoysThe Very Best Of The Beach Boys (Anthology 1963-69)1974Pop, SurfDetails
Beatles1960 - 19621982Rock, Rock´n´RollDetails
Beatles1962 - 19661973Rock, BeatDetails
Beatles1967 - 19701973Rock, PopDetails
BeatlesAbbey Road1969Rock, PopDetails
BeatlesBeatles 65'1965Rock, BeatDetails
BeatlesFor Sale1964Rock, BeatDetails
BeatlesGreatest1964Rock, BeatDetails
BeatlesHelp1965Rock, BeatDetails
BeatlesLet It Be1970Rock, PopDetails
BeatlesPlease Please Me1963 / 2012BeatDetails
BeatlesRevolver1966Rock, PopDetails
BeatlesRock'n'Roll Music1976Pop Rock, Rock & RollDetails
BeatlesRubber Soul1965Rock, PopDetails
BeatlesSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band1967Psychedelic RockDetails
BeatlesSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (50th Anniversary Edition)2017Psychedelic RockDetails
BeatlesThe Beatles / White Album1968 / 2018Rock, PopDetails
BeatlesWith The Beatles2009 / 1963Beat, Rock & RollDetails
Beck, JeffBlow By Blow1975Jazz-RockDetails
Beck, JeffJeff Beck Group1972RockDetails
Beck, JeffRough and Ready1971Rock, Blues RockDetails
Beck, JeffThe Most Of Jeff Beck / Beck-Ola1969Rock, BluesDetails
Beck, JeffTruth1968 / 201x?RockDetails
Beck, JeffWired1976Jazz-RockDetails
Beck, JeffWith Jan Hammer Group-Live1977Jazz-Rock, FusionDetails
Beck, Jeff featuring Rod StewartThe Best Of Jeff Beck (1967-69)1985Rock, Blues RockDetails
Beggars OperaWaters Of Change1971Prog Rock, RockDetails
Bell, MaggieQueen of the Night1974RockDetails
Bell, MaggieSuicide Sal1975RockDetails
Benatar, PatCrimes of Passion1980Hard Rock, Pop RockDetails
Benatar, PatGet Nervous1982Pop RockDetails
Benatar, PatIn The Heat Of The Night1979Pop RockDetails
Benatar, PatLive From Earth1983Hard Rock, Pop RockDetails
Bernstein San Francisco Symphony OrchestraSymphonic Dances From West Side Story1973Blues, ClassicalDetails
Berry, ChuckAfter School Session1957Rock´n´RollDetails
Berry, ChuckChuck Berry's Golden Decade 1955-19651973Rock´n´RollDetails
Berry, ChuckChuck Berry´s 16 Greatest Hits1978Rock´n´RollDetails
Berry, ChuckMotorvatin'1977Rock´n´RollDetails
Berry, ChuckRockin' At The Hops1960 / 2019Rock´n´RollDetails
Berry, ChuckThe Original EP Collection No.12018Rock´n´Roll, BluesDetails
Big Star1 Record1972Rock, Power PopDetails
Birth ControlOperation1971KrautrockDetails
Black Cat BonesBarbed Wire Sandwich1970Blues RockDetails
Black Oak Arkansas10YR Overnight Success1976Rock, Southern RockDetails
Black Oak ArkansasStreet Party1974Rock, Southern RockDetails
Black SabbathHeaven and Hell1980Heavy MetalDetails
BlackbyrdsUnfinished Business1976Jazz-FunkDetails
BlackfootVertical Smiles1984RockDetails
Blind FaithBlind Faith1969 / 1977RockDetails
Blodwyn PigGetting To This1970Jazz, Rock, BluesDetails
BlondieEat To The Beat1979New Wave, Pop RockDetails
Blood Sweat & TearsThe First Album1968 / 1973Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
Bloomfield, Kooper, StillsSuper Session1968Blues RockDetails
Blue CatsThe Blue Cats1981Rockabilly, Rock & RollDetails
Blue SteelNothing But Time1981RockDetails
Blue Öyster CultFire of Unknown Origin1981RockDetails
Blues Band Official Bluesband Bootleg Album1980Blues RockDetails
Blues BandReady1980Blues RockDetails
Blues BrothersMade In America1980Rock, Funk / Soul, BluesDetails
Bolin, TommyPrivate Eyes1976RockDetails
Bolin, TommyTeaser1975RockDetails
BonarooBonaroo1975Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Bongeziwe MabandlaIimini2020AfricanDetails
BonoboBlack Sands2020 Electronic, JazzDetails
Boomtown RatsMondo Bongo1980New WaveDetails
Bowie, DavidChanges One Bowie1976Pop Rock, GlamDetails
Bowie, DavidChanges Two Bowie1981Pop Rock, GlamDetails
Bowie, DavidPinups1973RockDetails
Bowie, DavidTonight1984Pop Rock, Synth-popDetails
Brand XUnorthodox Behaviour1976Jazz-RockDetails
Braxton, AnthonyMontreux/Berlin Concerts1977JazzDetails
Brecker BrothersBack to Back1976Jazz-FunkDetails
British LionsBritish Lions1978RockDetails
Browne, JacksonLawyers in Love1983Westcoast; Pop Rock, Classic RockDetails
Browne, JacksonRunning On Empty1977Pop Rock, Classic RockDetails
Brubeck Quartet, DaveTime Out1959Jazz, Bob, Hard BobDetails
Bruce, JackSongs for a Tailor1969Art Rock, Prog RockDetails
Bucks FizzHand Cut1983Synth-popDetails
Bush, KateHounds Of Love1985 Pop Rock, Art Rock, CelticDetails
Byrds20 Golden Hits1979Rock, Folk Rock, PopDetails
ByrdsSweetheart Of The Rodeo1968 / 1975Folk Rock, Country RockDetails
Cactus'Ot 'N' Sweaty1972RockDetails
Cale, J.J.Grasshopper1982 Blues Rock, Country RockDetails
Cale, J.J.Naturally1972Blues Rock, Country RockDetails
Cale, J.J.Okie1974Folk RockDetails
Cale, J.J.Troubadour1976Folk Rock, Blues RockDetails
Cale, JohnComes Alive1984Alternative Rock, Art RockDetails
CanEge Bamyasi1972 / 2013Krautrock, ExperimentalDetails
CanTago Mago1971 / 2013Rock, Avantgarde, KrautrockDetails
Capaldi, JimShort Cut Draw Blood1975Soft Rock, FunkDetails
CarmelThe Drum Is Everything1984Soul-Jazz, Jazz-FunkDetails
CarmenFandangos in Space1973Folk Rock, Prog RockDetails
CarmenThe Gypsies1975Folk Rock, Prog RockDetails
Carnes, KimBarking At Airplanes1985Pop Rock, Synth-popDetails
Carnes, KimLighthouse1986 Pop RockDetails
CaroCaro1980Pop Rock, DiscoDetails
CarsHeartbeat City1984Pop Rock, Synth-popDetails
Chambers BrothersGreatest Hits1971Funk, SoulDetails
Chambers BrothersSoul Up (Live)1968Soul, BluesDetails
Chapman, RogerChappo1979 / 1981Rock, BluesDetails
Chapman, RogerThe Shadow Knows1984RockDetails
Chapman, RogerThe Shortlist The Riffburglar Album1982Rock, BluesDetails
Chapman, Roger & ShortlistLive In Hamburg1979 / 1986Blues RockDetails
Chapman, TracyCrossroads1989Folk RockDetails
Charles, Ray and The George Brown OrchestraSpotlight On Vol. II1962Rhythm & Blues, Soul, VocalDetails
Cheap TrickDream Police1979Power Pop, Pop RockDetails
CherBittersweet White Light1973BalladDetails
ChicagoAt Carnegie Hall1971Jazz, RockDetails
ChicagoChicago Transit Authority1969Jazz-Rock, Pop RockDetails
ChicagoGreatest Hits1975Rock, PopDetails
Chicago Transit AuthorityIn Concert1983Jazz-Rock, Classic RockDetails
Chicken ShackRoadies Concerto1981Blues RockDetails
Clapton, Eric461 Ocean Boulevard1974Rock Details
Clapton, EricAugust1986Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Clapton, EricBehind the Sun1985RockDetails
Clapton, EricJust One Night1980Rock, Blues RockDetails
Clapton, EricLive In San Diego with special guest JJ Cale2016Rock, BluesDetails
Clapton, EricNo Reason to Cry1976Rock, Blues RockDetails
Clapton, EricThere's One in every Crowd1975Rock, Blues RockDetails
Clark, AnneHopeless Cases1987Downtempo, Synth-popDetails
Clarke, StanleyStanley Clarke1974Jazz-RockDetails
Clayton-Thomas, DavidDavid Clayton-Thomas1973Rock, SoulDetails
Clegg, Johnny & SavukaThird World Child1987Pop Rock, AfricanDetails
Climax Blues BandFlying the Flag1980Rock, Blues, PopDetails
Climax Blues BandGold Platet1976Rock, Blues, PopDetails
CloudsWatercolour Days1971Psychedelic RockDetails
Cochran, Eddie20 Rock'n'Roll Hits1979Rock´n´RollDetails
Cochran, EddieThe Eddie Cochran Memorial Album1960 / 2012Rock´n´RollDetails
Cocker, JoeCivilized Man1984Pop RockDetails
Cocker, JoeCocker1986Pop RockDetails
Cocker, JoeLuxury You Can Afford1978Pop Rock, SoulDetails
Cocker, JoeMad Dogs & Englishmen1970RockDetails
Cocker, JoeSheffield Steel1982Pop RockDetails
Cohen, LeonardGreatest Hits1975Folk, Folk RockDetails
Cole, Lloyd And The CommotionsEasy Pieces1985Rock, PopDetails
Collins, PhilBut Seriously1989 Soft Rock, Pop RockDetails
Collins, PhilFace Value1981Pop RockDetails
Collins, PhilNo Jacket Required1985Pop Rock, BalladDetails
ColosseumThe Collectors Colosseum1971Jazz RockDetails
ColosseumThose Who Are About To Die Salute You1969 / 1983Blues Rock, Jazz-RockDetails
ColosseumValentyne Suite1969 / 1972Jazz RockDetails
Colosseum IIElectric Savage1977Jazz-RockDetails
Coltrane, AliceWorld Galaxy1972Free Jazz, Indian ClassicalDetails
Coltrane, ChiRoad To Tomorrow1977Pop RockDetails
Coltrane, JohnA Love Supreme1965 / 2022Hard Bop, Modal, Avant-garde JazzDetails
Coltrane, JohnBlue Train1957Jazz, Hard BopDetails
Coltrane, JohnMeditations1966 / 1973Free JazzDetails
Coltrane, JohnTransition1965 / 1974Free JazzDetails
CommodoresCaught in the Act1975Jazz-Funk, SoulDetails
Coolidge, RitaNice Feelin1971 / 1981Blues Rock, Country, Folk Rock, BalladDetails
Cooper, Alice Four Tracks From Alice Cooper1977RockDetails
Corea, ChickNo Mystery1975Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
Corea, ChickRomantic Warrior1976Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
Coryell / Catherine Splendid1978Contemporary JazzDetails
Cougar, JohnAmerican Fool1982RockDetails
Coverdale, David WhitesnakeSnakebite1978Blues Rock, Hard RockDetails
CreamDisraeli Gears1967 / 2015Psychedelic Rock, Blues RockDetails
CreamGoodbye1969Rock, BluesDetails
CreamLive Cream Vol. II1972Rock, Blues RockDetails
CreamRock Sensation1975Blues RockDetails
CreamWheels of Fire1968Rock, BluesDetails
Crosby David / Graham Nash2 Originals Of David Crosby & Graham1973 Country Rock, Folk RockDetails
Crosby, Stills & NashCrosby, Stills & Nash1969Rock, Folk, World, & CountryDetails
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young4 Way Street1973 / 1977Folk Rock, AcousticDetails
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungDeja vu1972Rock, Folk RockDetails
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungSo Far1974Rock, Folk, World, & CountryDetails
CrusadersSouthern Comfort1974 / 1975Jazz FunkDetails
Curved AirAir Cut1973Folk Rock, Prog Rock, Classic RockDetails
Curved AirAirconditioning1970 / 1971Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Curved AirAireborne1976Prog RockDetails
Curved AirMidnight Wire1975Prog Rock, Art RockDetails
Daniels, CharlieSaddle Tramp1976Country RockDetails
Davis, MilesKind Of Blue1959/2013JazzDetails
Davis, Miles Evans, GilMiles Ahead1957 / 2012JazzDetails
Davis, SpencerGimme Some Lovin'1967 / 1976Blues Rock, Pop RockDetails
Davis, SpencerGluggo1973Rhythm & BluesDetails
Davison, BrianEvery Which Way1970Prog RockDetails
Deep PurpleBurn1974Hard RockDetails
Deep PurpleCome Taste the Band1975Hard RockDetails
Deep PurpleFireball1971Hard RockDetails
Deep PurpleIn Rock1970 / 2016Hard Rock / Heavy MetalDetails
Deep PurpleLive In Japan1974Hard RockDetails
Deep PurpleMachine Head1972Hard RockDetails
Deep PurpleMade in Europe1976Hard RockDetails
Deep PurpleMade in Japan1972Hard RockDetails
Deep PurplePerfect Strangers1984Hard RockDetails
Deep PurpleShades of Deep Purple1968Psychedelic RockDetails
Deep PurpleThe Deep Purple Singles A's & B's1978Hard RockDetails
Deep PurpleThe House of Blue Light1987RockDetails
Deep PurpleWho Do We Think We Are1973Hard RockDetails
Deep PurpleWhoosh2020RockDetails
Delv!sBlablablue2022Funk, Neo Soul, SoulDetails
DeodatoArtistry1974Jazz, Funk, SoulDetails
Derek & The DominosIn Concert1973Blues RockDetails
Derek & The DominosLayla And Other Assorted Lov1970 / 2018Rock, Blues RockDetails
Derringer, RickSpring Fever1975Rock, Blues RockDetails
DetectiveIt Takes One To Know One1977RockDetails
Deter, InaMit Leidenschaft1984Pop RockDetails
Di Meola, AlElegant Gypsy1977Jazz-RockDetails
Di Meola, AlLand of the Midnight Sun1976Jazz-RockDetails
Diamond, NeilHot August Night1973 Folk Rock, Soft RockDetails
Dire StraitsBrothers In Arms1985Pop Rock, Soft RockDetails
Dire StraitsCommunique1979Rock, PopDetails
Dire StraitsExtende Dance Play1982RockDetails
Dirt Band Jealousy1981Rock, Country RockDetails
Dirt Band Make A Little Magic1980Pop, Folk, World, & CountryDetails
Dixie DregsDregs of the Earth1980Fusion, Prog RockDetails
Domino, FatsPlay it Again, Fats1973Rock ´n´ Roll, Louisiana BluesDetails
Doobie BrothersBest of1976Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Doobie BrothersBest of Vol. II1981RockDetails
Doobie BrothersLiberté2021/2022RockDetails
Doobie BrothersLivin' On The Fault Line1977RockDetails
Doobie BrothersOne Step Closer1980Rock, Funk / SoulDetails
Doobie BrothersStampede1975RockDetails
Doobie BrothersTakin' It To The Streets1976RockDetails
Doobie BrothersThe Captain and Me1973RockDetails
Doobie BrothersWhat were ance vices are now habits1974RockDetails
DoorsAbsolutely Live1970 / 19072Psychedelic Rock, Classic RockDetails
DoorsStar Collection1973Psychedelic Rock, Blues RockDetails
Dr. FeelgoodStupidity1976Rhythm & BluesDetails
Driscoll, JulieBest of Driscoll/Auger1969Psychedelic Rock, Soul, Prog RockDetails
DschungelbandJetzt Oder Nie1981Pop Rock, DeuschrockDetails
Dudek, LesLes Dudek1976RockDetails
Dudek, LesSay No More1977Funk / Soul, RockDetails
Dury, IanNew Boots And Panties!!1978Rock, New WaveDetails
Dylan, BobBringing It All Back Home1965Folk Rock, FolkDetails
Dylan, BobDesire1975Folk RockDetails
Dylan, BobDylan1973Folk RockDetails
Dylan, BobHard Rain1976Folk RockDetails
Dylan, BobHigh Voltage (Live)1974Folk RockDetails
Dylan, BobHighway 61 Revisited1965Folk RockDetails
Dylan, BobSaved1980Rock, Pop, GospelDetails
Dylan, BobShot of Love1981Rock, Pop, GospelDetails
Dylan, BobStreet Legal1978Folk RockDetails
Dylan, BobSubterranean Homesick Blues1965 / 1967Folk RockDetails
EaglesHotel California1976Classic Rock, Country RockDetails
EaglesOn the Border1974Country RocDetails
EaglesOne of These Nights1975Classic Rock, Country RockDetails
EaglesThe Long Run1979Country Rock, Classic RockDetails
Earth Wind & FireAll 'n All1977Funk, SoulDetails
Earth Wind & FireI Am1979Funk, SoulDetails
Earth Wind & FireThe Best Of Earth Wind & Fire Vol. I1978Funk / SoulDetails
Echo And The BunnymenHeaven Up Here1981New WaveDetails
Eddy, DuaneShazam - 20 Great Tracks1987Rock, Pop-Rock, InstrumentalDetails
Edmunds, Dave & Love SculptureThe Classic Tracks1972Blues-RockDetails
EkseptionEkseption1969Classic RockDetails
EkseptionEkseption 51972Classic RockDetails
EkseptionEkseptional Classics - The Best Of Ekseption1973classic RockDetails
EkseptionIII1970classic RockDetails
EkseptionRoyal Philharmonic Orchestra* ?– Ekseption 00.041971Classic RockDetails
ElephantJust Tonight1985Rock, PopDetails
Elephant's MemoryElephant's Memory1972RockDetails
Ellington, DukeGreatest Hits1983 Big Band, SwingDetails
ELPELP1970Prog RockDetails
ELPWelcome Back, My Friends1974Prog RockDetails
Eltern Haften Für Ihre KinderEltern Haften Für Ihre Kinder1982RockDetails
EpitaphOutside the Law1974Hard Rock, KrautrockDetails
EuropeThe Final Countdown1986Pop RockDetails
EurythmicsBe Yourself Tonight1985Rock, PopDetails
EurythmicsRevenge1986Rock, PopDetails
EurythmicsSavage1987Rock, PopDetails
EurythmicsSweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)1983Pop RockDetails
Evans, GilInto the Hot1972Bop, Contemporary JazzDetails
Evans/DameronThe Arrangers Touch1975Jazz, Big Band, BobDetails
FacesA Nod is as Good as a Wink1971RockDetails
FacesFaces Live1973Blues Rock, RockDetails
FacesSnakes And Ladders / The Best Of Faces1976 / 2018RockDetails
Fagen, DonaldThe Nightfly1982Fusion, Pop RockDetails
Fairport ConventionLive Convention1974Folk RockDetails
FalcoEmotional1986Pop Rock, Synth-popDetails
FamilyA Song for Me1970Prog RockDetails
FamilyAnyway1970Prog Rock, RockDetails
Ferry, BrianBoys and Girls1985Pop RockDetails
Ferry, BrianThe Bride Stripped Bare1978Pop RockDetails
FilmmusikWoodstock - Music From The Original Soundtrack And More1970Rock, Funk / Soul, Blues, Pop, FolkDetails
FlashFlash1972Prog RockDetails
Fleetwood MacBare Trees1972Rock-PopDetails
Fleetwood MacFleetwood Mac1975Pop RockDetails
Fleetwood MacFleetwood Mac1979Blues RockDetails
Fleetwood MacGolden Era of Pop Music1972Blues RockDetails
Fleetwood MacGreatest Hits1971Blues RockDetails
Fleetwood MacPenguin1973Pop RockDetails
Fleetwood MacPeter Green's Fleetw. Mac1968Blues RockDetails
Fleetwood MacRumors1977Pop RockDetails
Fleetwood MacThen Play On1969Blues RockDetails
Fleetwood MacVery Best of1969Blues RockDetails
Flo & EddieFlo & Eddie1973Pop Rock, ParodyDetails
FocusAt the Rainbow1973 / 1977Prog RockDetails
FocusHamburger Concerto1974Prog RockDetails
Fogerty, JohnJohn Fogerty1975RockDetails
Foreigner41981Rock, Pop-RockDetails
ForeignerDouble Vision1978Rock, Pop-RockDetails
ForeignerHead Games1979Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Fox, PeterLove Songs2023Hip Hop Deutsch PopDetails
Frampton, PeterI'm In You1977Classic Rock, Pop RockDetails
Frankie Goes to Hollyw.Liverpool1986Pop Rock, Synth-popDetails
Franklin, ArethaAretha1986Rock, SoulDetails
FreeFire and Water1970Blues RockDetails
FreeFree1969Blues RockDetails
FreeFree Live1971Blues RockDetails
FreeHeartbreaker1972Rock, Blues RockDetails
FreeHighway1970Blues RockDetails
FreeTons of Sobs1968Blues RockDetails
FrumpyAll Will Be Changed1970Rock, Blues RockDetails
FrumpyBy the Way1972Rock, Blues RockDetails
FrumpyFrumpy II1971 / 1977Rock, Blues RockDetails
FrumpyLive1973Rock, Blues RockDetails
Gabriel, PeterSo1986Electronic, Rock, PopDetails
Gallagher, RoryCalling Card1976Blues RockDetails
Gallagher, RoryLive1977Blues RockDetails
Gallagher, RoryThe Story So Far1974Blues RockDetails
GammaGamma II1980RockDetails
Gaye, MarvinWhat's Going On1971SoulDetails
Gebr. EngelKopfsalat1982Neue Deutsche WelleDetails
Geier SturzflugDreimal Täglich1984New Wave, Pop RockDetails
Geils Band, J.Best Of The J. Geils Band1979RockDetails
Geils Band, J.Sanctuary1978RockDetails
GenesisLive1973 / 1974Prog Rock, Art RockDetails
GenesisThe Lamb Lies Down On Broadway1974Prog RockDetails
Gentle GiantGentle Giant1971Prog RockDetails
Gershwin San Francisco Symphony OrchestraAn American In Paris / Street Music1977Jazz, ClassicalDetails
Gershwin, Leonard BernsteinRhapsody In Blue · West Side Story: Symphonic Danc1983ClassicalDetails
Getz / GilbertoGetz / Gilberto Featuring Antonio Carlos Jobim 1964Bossanova, Latin JazzDetails
Gibbons, SteveRollin' On1977RockDetails
Gillan, IanClear Air Turbulence1977Hard RockDetails
Gillespie, DizzyDiz Delights1986JazzDetails
Gilmour, DavidAbout Face1984Classic RockDetails
Go-Go'sVacation1982Pop Rock, New WaveDetails
Golden EarringContraband1976RockDetails
Golden EarringMoontan1973RockDetails
Golden EarringThe Best Of Golden Earring1976RockDetails
Golden EarringTogether1972RockDetails
GongDownwind1979Fusion, Jazz RockDetails
GongYou1974Prog Rock, Space RockDetails
Goodmann, BennyCarnegie Hall Jazz Concert1938Swing, Big BandDetails
Grand FunkShinin' On1974RockDetails
Grant, EddyKiller On The Rampage1982Reggae-PopDetails
Grateful DeadShakedown Street1978Rock, Country RockDetails
Grateful DeadTerrapin Station1977Rock, Details
Grateful DeadWorkingman's Dead1970Rock, Folk Rock, WestcoastDetails
Green, PeterThe End of the Game1970Rock, BluesDetails
GreensladeBedside Manners Are Extra1973Prog RockDetails
GreensladeSpyglass Guest1974Prog RockDetails
Grothe, FranzFranz Grothe Spielt Franz Grothe Für Die Hausbar1967Easy ListeningDetails
Grönemeyer, Herbert4630 Bochum1984Pop RockDetails
Grönemeyer, HerbertÖ1988Pop RockDetails
Guess WhoRockin'1972RockDetails
Gun ClubThe Las Vegas Story1984Alternative RockDetails
Guru GuruKänguru1972 / 2024Krautrock, Prog RockDetails
Haden, CharlyLiberation Music Orchestra1973Free JazzDetails
Hagar, SammyAll Night Long1978Hard RockDetails
Hagar, SammyDanger Zone1980Hard RockDetails
Hagar, SammyNine on a Ten Scale1976Hard RockDetails
Hagar, SammySammy Hagar1977Hard RockDetails
Hagar, SammyStanding Hampton1981Hard RockDetails
Hagar, SammyStreet Machine1979Hard RockDetails
Hagen, Nina BandNina Hagen Band ?– Nina Hagen Band1978New Wave, Pop RockDetails
Hairy ChapterEyes1970Krautrock, Hard Rock, Blues RockDetails
Hamilton, ChicoPassin' Thru1963 / 1972Jazz, Hard BobDetails
Hampton, LionelFlying Home with1977Swing, BoogieDetails
Hancock, HerbieMan Child1975Fusion, Jazz-FunkDetails
Hanselmann, DavidJeder Will Leben1984 Synth-popDetails
Hardin & YorkTomorrow Today1969Prog Rock, Art RockDetails
Harris, EmmylouLuxury Liner1977CountryDetails
Harrison, GeorgeGone Troppo1982Rock PopDetails
Harrison, MikeMike Harrison1971Blues RockDetails
Harrison, MikeSmokestack Lightning1972Blues Rock, Soul, RockDetails
Harry, DebbieKooKoo1981Synth-pop, DiscoDetails
Hart, BethA Tribute To Led Zeppelin25. Feb. 2022Rock, Blues RockDetails
Hartley, KeefBattle of North West Six1969Blues RockDetails
Hartley, KeefOverdog1971Blues RockDetails
Harvey, Alex BandFramed1972 / 1985Blues Rock, Prog Rock, GlamDetails
Hazzard, TonyLoudwater House1971Folk, World, & CountryDetails
Heads Hands & FeetHeads Hands & Feet1971Country RockDetails
Heads Hands & FeetTracks1972Country RockDetails
HeartBad Animals1987Pop Rock, Hard RockDetails
HeartDreamboat Annie1976RockDetails
HeartLittle Queen1977RockDetails
HeartMagazine1978Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Help YourselfStrange Affair1971Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Hendrix, JimiAre You Experienced1967Rock, Blues RockDetails
Hendrix, JimiBand of Gypsys1970Rock, Funk / SoulDetails
Hendrix, JimiElectric Ladyland1968 Psychedelic Rock, Blues RockDetails
Hendrix, JimiGloria, Hey Joe - Maxi Single1980RockDetails
Hendrix, JimiHendrix In The West1971Rock, Blues RockDetails
Hendrix, JimiJimi Hendrix1975Rock, Blues RockDetails
Hendrix, JimiRainbow Bridge1971Rock, Blues RockDetails
Hendrix, JimiThe Cry of Love1971Rock, Blues RockDetails
Henley, DonBuilding the Perfect Beast1985Pop RockDetails
Holiday, BillieCollection1940-1950Jazz, VocalsDetails
HolliesRussian Roulette1976Pop RockDetails
Holly, BuddyThe Very Best Of Buddy Holly2018 Rock & Roll, RockabillyDetails
Horten, PeterGuitarissimo1978Details
Hot ChocolateEvery 1's a Winner1978Funk, Soul, DiscoDetails
Hot TunaBurgers1972Blues RockDetails
HousemartinsLondon 0 Hull 41986Pop Rock, Indie RockDetails
Howard, BenEvery Kingdom2011 / 2015 Alternative Rock, Acoustic, Folk RockDetails
Hugg, MikeNeon Dream1975Prog Rock, FunkDetails
Humble PieAs Save As Yesterday1969Psychedelic Rock, Pop RockDetails
Humble PieEat It1973Blues Rock, Rhythm & BluesDetails
Humble PieGo for the Throat1981Hard RockDetails
Humble PieOn to Victory1980RockDetails
Humble PiePop Chronik1976Blues Rock, Hard RockDetails
Humble PieRockin' the Fillmore1971Blues Rock, Rhythm & BluesDetails
Humble PieShine On / Rock On1971Rock, Blues RockDetails
Humble PieThunderbox1974RockDetails
HummingbirdHummingbird1975Rock, Funk / SoulDetails
Hunter, IanWelcome To The Club - Live1980RockDetails
Hunter, SteveSwept Away1977RockDetails
IdealIdeal1980Neue Deutsche WelleDetails
Idol, BillyBilly Idol1987New WaveDetails
IfAnother Time Around1975Jazz RockDetails
IfNot Just Another Bunch1974Jazz RockDetails
IfThree1971Jazz RockDetails
Imlach, HamishHamish Imlach1966Folk, World, & CountryDetails
Iron ButterflyIn-A-Gadda-Da-Vida1968 / 1973Psychedelic Rock, Classic RockDetails
Isaak, ChrisChris Isaak1987Rockabilly, Pop RockDetails
Its a Beautiful DayIt's a Beautiful Day1969 / 1979RockDetails
Jackson, JoeLook Sharp1979New Wave, Power PopDetails
Jackson, JoeNight And Day1982New Wave, Pop RockDetails
Jagger, MickShe's the Boss1985Pop RockDetails
James GangJesse Come Home1976RockDetails
James GangLive in Concert1971RockDetails
James GangMiami1974Hard RockDetails
James GangNewborn1975RockDetails
James GangPassin'Thru1972RockDetails
James GangYer'Album1969RockDetails
James, ElmoreBlues After Hours2024BluesDetails
James, HarrySwinging with1938 - 1942SwingDetails
Jary, MichaelMichael Jary Spielt Michael Jary Für Die Hausbar1967Easy Listening, SchlagerDetails
Jefferson Airplane30 Seconds over Winterland1973Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Jefferson AirplaneSurrealistic Pillow1967 / 1976Folk Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Jefferson StarshipSpitfire1976RockDetails
Jethro TullAqualong1971 Classic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Jethro TullLive - Bursting Out1978Rock, Progressive RockDetails
Jethro TullLiving in the Past1972Rock, Progressive Rock, BluesrockDetails
Jethro TullMinstrel in the Gallery1975Progressive RockDetails
Jethro TullStand Up1969Rock, Progressive RockDetails
Jethro TullThis Was1968Rock, Blues, Progressive RockDetails
Jo Jo GunneBite Down Hard1973RockDetails
Jobim, Antonio Carlos A Certain Mister Antonio Ca1967 / 1980Bossa Nova, Easy ListeningDetails
Joel, BillyCold Spring Harbor1971 / 1983Folk Rock, BalladDetails
John, EltonA Single Man1978Pop Rock, Classic RockDetails
John, EltonThe New Collection - Vol. II1983Pop RockDetails
John, EltonToo Low for Zero1983 Pop RockDetails
Joplin, JanisKozmic Blues1969 / 1982Blues, RockDetails
Kaa, veraDas Macht Dich Frisch1981New WaveDetails
Kalkbrenner, PaulBerlin Calling-the Soundtrack2008 / 2018Soundtrack, Techno, Tech HouseDetails
KarthagoLive At The Roxy1976Krautrock, Hard Rock, FunkDetails
KarthagoRock 'n Roll Testament1974Rock, KrautrockDetails
KarthagoSecond Step1973 / 1979Rock, KrautrockDetails
KC & the Sunshine BandBest of1976Disco, FunkDetails
KGBKGB1976Blues RockDetails
Kihn, GregNext of Kihn1978New Wave, Power PopDetails
King CrimsonDiscipline1981Prog RockDetails
King CrimsonIn the Court of1969 / 1976Prog RockDetails
King CrimsonIn the Wake of Poseidon1970 / 1974Prog RockDetails
King CrimsonLarks' Tongues in Aspik1973Prog RockDetails
King CrimsonStarless and Bible Black1974Prog RockDetails
King CrimsonYoung Persons Guuide to1975Prog RockDetails
King Ping MehIII1973Rock, KrautrockDetails
King, B.B.In London1971BluesDetails
King, B.B.Volume 11972Rhythm & Blues, BluesDetails
KinksGolden Hour of1971Beat, Pop RockDetails
KinksLola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Part One1970RockDetails
KinksSomething Else1967 / 1981Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Knack, TheGet The Knack1979Rock, BeatDetails
Kossoff, PaulBack Street Crawler1973Blues RockDetails
KraanLet It Out1975Jazz-Rock, FusionDetails
KraanWiederhören1977Jazz-Rock, Fusion, Prog RockDetails
KraftwerkDie Mensch Maschine1978ElektronicDetails
Kreuder, PeterMusik! Musik! Musik!1967Swing, Big BandDetails
Krupa, Gene And His OrchestraFeaturing Anita O'Day – Drum Boogie1972SwingDetails
Krupa, Gene Sextet ?– Album #3Album #31954Jazz, SwingDetails
Kühn, JoachimSpringfever1976Jazz RockDetails
Kyte, SydneySydney Kyte And His Piccadilly Hotel Orchestra1980Jazz, PopDetails
Lage, KlausStadtstreicher1983Pop Rock, DeutschDetails
LakeLake II1978RockDetails
LakeParadise Island1979RockDetails
Larking PoePeach2018Blues Rock, Southern RockDetails
Last, JamesNon Stop Party 1974/21974Easy Listening, Happy SoundDetails
Last, JamesRussland Zwischen Tag Und Nacht1972Easy Listening, Happy SoundDetails
Last, JamesViolins In Love1974Easy Listening, Happy SoundDetails
Le Blanc, LennyBreakthrough1981Pop RockDetails
Led ZeppelinHouses of the Holy1973RockDetails
Led ZeppelinI1969 / 1973Rock, Blues RockDetails
Led ZeppelinII1969 / 1972Hard RockDetails
Led ZeppelinIII1970 / 1973Rock, Blues RockDetails
Led ZeppelinIV1971Rock, Blues Rock, Folk RockDetails
Led ZeppelinPhysical Graffiti1975Rock, Hard RockDetails
Led ZeppelinPresence1976Rock, Hard RockDetails
Lee Jones, Rickie Pirates1981Rock, Funk / Soul, PopDetails
Lennon Plastic Ono BandShaved Fish1975RockDetails
Lennon, JohnRock´n´Roll1975Rock & RollDetails
Lennon, John - Ono, YokoDouble Fantasy1980RockDetails
Lewis And The News, Huey Fore1986Pop RockDetails
Lewis And The News, HueyHuey Lewis And The News1980Pop RockDetails
Lewis, Jerry LeeGood Rockin´ Tonight1975Rock´n´RollDetails
Lewis, Jerry LeeLive at the Star-Club1964Rock ’n’ Roll Details
Lightfoot, GordonGord's Gold1975Folkrock, FolkDetails
Lindenberg, Udo Und Das PanikorchesterOdyssee1983Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Lindisfarne – Roll On, RubyRoll On, Ruby1973Folk RockDetails
Lindley, DavidEl Rayo Live1983Rock, Reggae, Folk, World, & CountryDetails
Lindley, DavidEl Rayo-X1981Rock, Reggae, Folk, World, & CountryDetails
Little Feat2 Originals Of Little Feat1975Blues Rock, Country RockDetails
Little FeatLast Record Album1975Southern RockDetails
Little FeatRepresenting The Mambo1990RockDetails
Little FeatWaiting For Columbus1978Rock, Southern RockDetails
Little RichardVolume 21958/2012Rock´n´RollDetails
Little River BandBackstage Pass1989Pop RockDetails
Little River BandIt's a Long Way There1978Pop RocDetails
Little StevenFreedom No Compromise1987RockDetails
Lofgren, NilsNils1979RockDetails
London GrammarTruth Is A Beautiful Thing2017 Indie PopDetails
Lone JusticeShelter1986Details
Lone StarFiring on All Six1977RockDetails
Long, RobertÜber Kurz Oder Lang1979Chanson, BalladDetails
LordsThe Lords 1964 - 19711972Beat, Pop RockDetails
Los LobosAnd a Time to Dance1984 / 1987Rock, LatinDetails
Los LobosBy The Light Of The Moon1987Rock & Roll, Blues RockDetails
Los LobosLa Bamba (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)1987Rock, Rock´n´RollDetails
Lucia, Paco deAlmoraima1976FlamencoDetails
Lucia, Paco dePaco de Lucia1973FlamencoDetails
Lucia, Paco deSpielt Manuel de Falla1978FlamencoDetails
Lynyrd SkynyrdNuthin' Fancy1975 / 1984Southern RockDetails
Lynyrd SkynyrdOne More from the Road1976 / 1978Southern RockDetails
Lynyrd SkynyrdSweet Home Alabama WDR Loreley Festival 19962015Southern RockDetails
MNew York, London, Paris, Munich1979Synth-pop, DiscoDetails
Mac Dowell, LennyBird Watching1982FusionDetails
MadonnaTrue Blue1986Dance-popDetails
MagmaLive1975Prog Rock, Experimental, FusionDetails
Mahavishnu OrchestraBetween Nothingness & Eternity1972Fusion, Jazz-Rock, Prog RockDetails
Mamas & Papas16 of Their Greatest Hits1969Folk Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Mamas & PapasPeople Like Us1971Folk Rock, Pop RockDetails
ManBe Good To Yourself At Least Once A Day1972Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Mandel, HarveyShangrenade1973Blues Rock, Jazz-RockDetails
MandrillJust Outside of Town1973Funk, SoulDetails
Mann, ManfredBig Hits of1979Pop Rock, BeatDetails
Mann, ManfredChance1980Pop Rock, Prog RockDetails
Mann, ManfredMessin'1973Prog Rock, RockDetails
Mann, ManfredSolar Fire1973Prog RockDetails
Mann, ManfredWatch1978Pop Rock, Prog RockDetails
MantovaniMantovani1973Violine BigbandDetails
Marek & VacekMarek & Vacek1970Classical, BalladDetails
Marley, BobUprising1980ReggaeDetails
Marley, Bob & The WailersBabylon By Bus1978ReggaeDetails
Marriott, SteveMarriott1976RockDetails
Mas, CarolyneMas Hysteria1980 Pop Rock, Blues RockDetails
Mas, CarolyneModern Dreams1981Pop RockDetails
MatchboxMidnight Dynamos1980RockabillyDetails
MaterialOne Down1982FunkDetails
Mayall, JohnA Hard Road1967Blues RockDetails
Mayall, JohnJazz Blues Fusion1972 Blues Rock, Jazz-Rock, FusionDetails
Mayall, JohnJohn Mayall's Bluesbreakers1988Blues RockDetails
Mayall, JohnThe World of1970Blues RockDetails
Mayall, JohnThe World Of John Mayall Vol.21970Blues RockDetails
Mayall, JohnWith Eric Clapton ?– Blues Breakers1966Blues RockDetails
Mc Vie, ChristineChristine Mc Vie1984Pop RockDetails
McCoysHang On Sloopy1965RockDetails
Men At WorkBusiness As Usual1981Pop Rock, Indie RockDetails
MessengersMessengers first Message1975Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
Michelle ShockedShort Sharp Shock1988Country RockDetails
MichelsCrazy Enough1979Alternative RockDetails
Midler, BetteNo Frills1983Pop RockDetails
Miles, BuddyThem Changes1970Blues Rock, SoulDetails
Miles, JohnRebel1976Pop Rock, Classic RockDetails
Miller, FrankieDancing in the Rain1986RockDetails
Miller, FrankieEasy Money1980RockDetails
Miller, GlennGlenn Miller's Shindig1965Big BandDetails
Miller, GlennThe Glenn Miller Story II1975Big BandDetails
Miller, Glenn And His OrchestraThe Unforgettable Glenn Miller1977 Big BandDetails
Miller, SteveFly Like an Eagle1976 / 2018RockDetails
Miller, SteveGreatest Hits 1974-781978RockDetails
Mink De VilleCabretta1977Rock, Latin, SoulDetails
Mink De VilleCoup De Grace1981Rock, Latin, SoulDetails
Mink De VilleEach Song Is A Beat Of My Heart1983Rock, Latin, SoulDetails
Mink De VilleLive At Montreux 19821982Rock, Latin, SoulDetails
Mink De VilleWhere Angels Fear to Tread1983Rock, Latin, SoulDetails
Mitchell, JoniBlue1971Folk RockDetails
Mitchell, JoniMiles of Aisles1974Folk RockDetails
MonkeesThe Monkees greatest Hits1979RockDetails
MonopolWeltweit1982Synth-pop, NDWDetails
Montgomery, WesHistory of1972Details
MontroseJump On It1976Hard RockDetails
MontroseMean1987Hard RockDetails
MontroseMontrose1975Hard RockDetails
MontrosePaper Money1974Hard RockDetails
MontroseRock the Nation1973Hard RockDetails
Moore, GaryBack on the Streets1978Blues Rock, Hard RockDetails
Moore, GaryCorridors of Power1982Hard RockDetails
Moore, GaryNuclear Attack1985RockDetails
Morrison, VanAstral Weeks1968Alternative, Folk, Rock, AvantgardeDetails
Morrison, VanMoondance1970 / 2013Folk Rock, Rhythm & Blues, Soul!!!Details
Morrison, VanVeedon Fleece1974Folk, Jazz; BluesDetails
Morrissey MullenLife On The Wire1982Soul-Jazz, Jazz-FunkDetails
Mothers FinestLive1979Rock, Funk / SoulDetails
Mothers FinestOne Mother to Another1983Rock, Funk / SoulDetails
Mott the HoopleLive1974Glam, Rock & RollDetails
MountainFlowers of Evil1971Rock, Hard RockDetails
Mouzon, AlphonseMind Transplant1975Funk, FusionDetails
MovePop Giants1970Beat, RockDetails
Moyet, Alison Alf1984New Wave, Synth-popDetails
Nazareth20 greatest1985Hard Rock, Pop Rock, GlamDetails
NazarethRampant1974Hard Rock, RockDetails
NektarA Tab in the Ocean1973Prog Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
NektarRemember the Future1974Space Rock, Prog RockDetails
NektarSounds Like This1973 / 2009Prog RockDetails
Nelson, OliverThe Blues And The Abstract Truth1961 / 1974Jazz, Hard BopDetails
Nelson, SandyLet There Be Drums + Plays Teen Beat2014Rock & RollDetails
Nelson, WillieThe Promiseland1986CountryDetails
Nervous GermansNervösen Deutschen1981Alternative RockDetails
New Cactus BandSon of Cactus1973Hard Rock, Classic RockDetails
NiceCollection1985Progressive RockDetails
NiceElegy1971Prog RockDetails
NiceThe Nice1969Prog Rock, Symphonic RockDetails
Niemen, CzeslawOde To Venus1973Details
NighthawksNighthawks 42007 / 2013Smooth Jazz, Contemporary JazzDetails
NucleusElastic Rock1970Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
O BandA Smile is Diamond1977Blues Rock, RockDetails
O BandOasis1975RockDetails
O BandThe Knife1977RockDetails
Ofarim, Esther & Abi2in31967 Pop, Folk, World, CountryDetails
Ogerman, ClausGate of Dreams1977Big Band, Score, Jazz-FunkDetails
Oldfiel, MikeTubular Bells1973Symphonic RockDetails
Oldfield, MikeCrisis1983Pop Rock, Prog RockDetails
Oldfield, MikeOmmadawn1975Folk Rock, Prog RockDetails
Oldfield, SallyWater Bearer1979Folk RockDetails
Orff, CarlCarmina Burana1974Modern, RomanticDetails
OsibisaMystic Energy1980African, DiscoDetails
OsibisaOjah Awake1976Afrobeat, Funk, DiscoDetails
OugenweideEulenspiegel1976Folk Rock, Prog RockDetails
Palmer, RobertMaybe It's Live1982Funk / Soul, Pop, RockDetails
Palmer, RobertSecrets1979Pop RockDetails
Parker, Graham And The RumourThe Up Escalator1980Power Pop, Pub RockDetails
Parsons, AlanI Robot1977Art Rock, Pop Rock, Prog RockDetails
Parsons, Alan ProjectPyramid1978Art Rock, Prog RockDetails
Parton/Ronstadt/HarrisTrio1987Folk Rock, Country RockDetails
PassportCross-Collateral1975Jazz RockDetails
PassportInfinity Machine1976Jazz RockDetails
PassportLooking Thru1973Jazz RockDetails
PattoRoll'em Smoke'em ...1972RockDetails
Pavlov's DogAt the Sound of the Bell1975Prog Rock, RockDetails
Petty, TomTom Petty And The Heartbreakers1976 RockDetails
Petty, Tom And The HeartbreakersPack Up The Plantation - Live !1985RockDetails
PhotosThe Photos1980New Wave, Pop Rock, Power Pop, PunkDetails
Pickett, WilsonStar Collection Vol. II1974SoulDetails
Pickett, WilsonThe Exciting1966SoulDetails
Pink FloydA Momantary Lapse of ...1987Art Rock, Prog RockDetails
Pink FloydA Soucerful Of Secrets1968Psychedelic RockDetails
Pink FloydDark Side of the Moon1973 / 1978Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Pink FloydMeddle1971Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Pink FloydMore1969Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Pink FloydObscured By Clouds1972RockDetails
Pink FloydRelics1971 / 1978Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Pink FloydThe Piper At The Gates Of Dawn1967 / 2022Psychedelic Rock, ExperimentalDetails
Pink FloydThe Wall1979Prog RockDetails
Pink FloydUmmagumma1969Psychedelic Rock, Prog Rock, ExperimentalDetails
Pink FloydWish You Where Here1975 / 1976Prog RockDetails
Pointer SistersPriority1979Pop RockDetails
PoliceOutlandos D'Amour1978 / 1985Rock, New WaveDetails
PoliceRegatta de Blanc1979RockDetails
PoliceSynchronicity1983Rock, Pop, New WaveDetails
Pop, IggyThe Idiot1977Art Rock, New WaveDetails
Presley, ElvisA Portrait in Music1973Rock´n´RollDetails
Presley, ElvisForever1974Rock´n´Roll, PopDetails
Pretty ThingsAttention! The Pretty Things!1976Rhythm & Blues, BeatDetails
PrinceSign "O" The Times1987RnB/Swing, Pop Rock, FunkDetails
Prince And The RevolutionParade1986Pop Rock, Experimental, FunkDetails
Prince And The RevolutionPurple Rain1984Funk, Pop RockDetails
Quarter FlashQuarter Flash1981Rock, PopDetails
QueenHot Space1982RockDetails
QueenLive Killers1979Hard Rock, Pop RockDetails
QueenQueen1973 Glam, Hard RockDetails
QueenQueen II1974 / 1978Art Rock, Glam, Classic RockDetails
QueenSheer Heart Attack1974Hard Rock, GlamDetails
QueenThe Game1980Rock, Pop-RockDetails
QueensrÿcheQueensrÿche – Operation: Mindcrime1988Hard Rock, Prog RockDetails
Quicksilver Messenger ServiceHappy Trails1968 / 1980Rock, Acid RockDetails
Rackets, Jimmy & theJimmy and the Rackets1963Rock & Roll, BeatDetails
Rafferty, GerryCity To City1978Pop RockDetails
Rafferty, GerrySnakes and Ladders1980Pop RockDetails
RainbowBent Out of Shape1983Hard RockDetails
RainbowDifficalt to Cure1981Hard RockDetails
RainbowDown to Earth1979Hard RockDetails
RainbowLong Live Rock'n'Roll1978Hard RockDetails
RainbowStraight Between the Eyes1982Hard RockDetails
RamatamRamatam1972Blues Rock, Hard RockDetails
Randy PieKitsch1975FunkDetails
Rare BirdEpic Forest1972Prog Rock, RockDetails
Rare BirdSomebody's Watching1973Prog Rock, RockDetails
RattlesBest of the Rattles1986Beat, Rock & RollDetails
Rea, ChrisDancing With StrangersPop Rock1987Details
Redding, OtisAt the Whiskey A Go Go1968SoulDetails
Redding, OtisThe Immortal Otis Redding1968SoulDetails
Redding, Otis Little Joe CurtisHere Comes More Soul1969SoulDetails
Reed, LouConey Island Baby1976RockDetails
Reed, LouLive1975RockDetails
Reed, LouRock Galaxy1980RockDetails
Reed, LouSally Can't Dance1974RockDetails
Reed, LouWalk On The Wild Side - The Best Of Lou Reed1977RockDetails
RefugeeRefugee1974Prog RockDetails
Reichel, Achim Regenballade1979Deutschrock, PoetryDetails
Reichel, Achim Ungeschminkt1980 Pop RockDetails
Release Music OrchestraNews1979Jazz-Rock, FusionDetails
RenaissanceIllusion1969Prog Rock, RockDetails
REO SpeedwagonNine Lives1979RockDetails
REO SpeedwagonYou Can Tune a Piano...1978RockDetails
Richard, CliffSilver1983PopDetails
Rios, Waldo De Los Waldo De Los Rios1972Modern, Classical, Easy ListeningDetails
Ritenour, LeeIn Rio1979Fusion, Jazz-Funk, Latin JazzDetails
Rivers, JohnnyAt the Whisky A Gogo1967 Rhythm & Blues, Soul, Pop Rock Details
Rodgers, PaulLive At Hammersmith Apollo 20092015RockDetails
Rolling Stones20 Super Hits1978RockDetails
Rolling StonesAfter Math1966RockDetails
Rolling StonesBeggars Banquet1968RockDetails
Rolling StonesBig Hits1966RockDetails
Rolling StonesExile on Main Steet1972RockDetails
Rolling StonesGet Yer Ya-Ya's Out1970RockDetails
Rolling StonesGoat's Head Soup1973RockDetails
Rolling StonesLet It Bleed1969RockDetails
Rolling StonesLove You Live1977RockDetails
Rolling StonesOut of Our Heads1965RockDetails
Rolling StonesSome Girls1978RockDetails
Rolling StonesSticky Fingers1971Rock, BluesDetails
Rolling StonesSticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre2015RockDetails
Rolling StonesStill Life1982RockDetails
Rolling StonesThe Rolling Stones1964Rock, BluesDetails
Rolling StonesThrough the Past, Darkly1969RockDetails
Rolling StonesVol. II1964Rock, BluesDetails
Ronstadt, LindaGreatest Hits1976Country Rock, Pop RockDetails
Ronstadt, LindaGreatest Hits Volume Two1980Pop-RockDetails
Ronstadt, LindaHasten Down the Wind1976Country Rock, Pop RockDetails
Ronstadt, LindaPrisoner in Disguise1975Country Rock, Pop RockDetails
Ronstadt, LindaSimple Dreams1977Country Rock, Soft RockDetails
Rossington Collins BandThis Is the Way1981Southern RockDetails
Rother, MichaelFlammende Herzen1977Electronic, RockDetails
Rother, MichaelKatzenmusik1979Electronic, RockDetails
Rother, MichaelSterntaler1978Electronic, RockDetails
Roxy MusicAvalon1982Pop RockDetails
Roxy MusicFlesh and Blood1980Pop-RockDetails
Roxy MusicFor Your Pleasure1973 / 1976Art Rock, GlamDetails
Roxy MusicGreatest Hits1977Pop-Rock, GlamDetails
Rumpf, IngaReality1981RockDetails
Rumpf, IngaTwo is One1985Pop RockDetails
Rush21121976Hard Rock, Prog RockDetails
RushFly by Night1975Hard Rock, Prog RockDetails
RushHemispheres1978Hard Rock, Prog RockDetails
RushMoving Pictures1981Rock, Pop-RockDetails
RushPermanent Waves1980Hard Rock, Prog RockDetails
RushRush1974 / 1983RockDetails
Ryder, MitchLive Talkies1981Pop RockDetails
Ryder, MitchNaked but Not Dead1980Blues RockDetails
S.H.F. BandTrouble in Paradise1976country RockDetails
SadeDiamond Life1984Jazz, Funk / Soul, PopDetails
SadeStronger Than Pride1988Jazz, Funk / SoulDetails
SagaSilent Knight1980Prog Rock, Pop RockDetails
SAHBFour Play1977Rock, Blues RockDetails
Sam & DaveBest of1985SoulDetails
Sampler16 Motown Chartbusters1975Soul, FunkDetails
Sampler20 Country Hits1977CountryDetails
Sampler20 Disco Top Hits1975Funk, Soul, DiscoDetails
SamplerAmerican Folk Blues Festival1963BluesDetails
SamplerBeat Im Star-Club1979BeatDetails
SamplerBeat Im Star-Club Vol. 21980BeatDetails
Samplerblues news1969Blues, Blues RockDetails
SamplerCountry Chart Busters Vol.III1974countryDetails
SamplerDanke 771977Rock, PopDetails
SamplerDas waren Hits Vol. 11978Rock, PopDetails
SamplerDie Heartbreakers - Original Soundtrack1983RockDetails
SamplerFlashdance (Original Soundtrack From The Motion Pi1983Soundtrack, Electro, Synth-popDetails
SamplerFolk Blues Party1967BluesDetails
SamplerFrom Sticksland with Love1967 / 1971JazzDetails
SamplerFrom The Heart1985Rock, Pop-RockDetails
SamplerGerman Rock Scene1973Krautrock, Prog RockDetails
SamplerGerman Rock Scene Vol. II1976Krautrock, Prog RockDetails
SamplerGolden Rock 'N' Roll Hits In The 50ies And 60ies1950-1960Rock´n´RollDetails
SamplerGolden-Hits The Fifties Vol.21950-1960Rock & Roll, PopDetails
SamplerHammond Hit Parade1967Schlager, Easy ListeningDetails
SamplerImmediate Lets You In1968Rock, Pop, BluesDetails
SamplerIsland People1973Details
SamplerItalo Top Hits1980Details
SamplerJazz As You Like It1969Details
SamplerKings Of Drums1972JazzDetails
SamplerLet's Break - Super Disco Break-Dancing1983DiscoDetails
SamplerMetropolis (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)1984Soundtrack, Electro, Pop Rock, Synth-popDetails
SamplerNew Spirit of Capitol1971Blues Rock, Country Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
SamplerOne Big Happy Family1979Details
SamplerOriginal Broadway Cast – The Magic Show1974MusicalDetails
SamplerPeter and the Wolf1975StoryDetails
SamplerPrime Cuts1976Rock, Blues, PopDetails
SamplerRemember the 60's Vol. 51984Rock, Pop-Rock, BeatDetails
SamplerRock'n'Roll ShowDetails
SamplerSecret Policeman's Concert1982Rock, PopDetails
SamplerStory of the Blues Vol. 2Details
SamplerSuper Blues Session1972Details
SamplerSuper Soul1975Details
SamplerSuper-Rock-Festival1977Krautrock, Prog RockDetails
SamplerThat''s Soul Vol. III1968Details
SamplerThat's Blues Rock1969Blues RockDetails
SamplerThat's Soul1967SoulDetails
SamplerThat's Soul Vol. IV1973SoulDetails
SamplerThe Best Of Krautrock2013Krautrock, Prog Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Folk RockDetails
SamplerThe Blues1969BluesDetails
SamplerThe World Of Blues Power 21970Blues RockDetails
SamplerWarner Bros. Music Show1974Pop Rock, Soul, Classic RockDetails
Sandburn, DavidVoyeur1981FusionDetails
Sandy NelsonWalkin' The Beat1969Beat, Rock'n'RollDetails
Sanlucar, ManoloFlamenco1975FlamencoDetails
SantanaAbraxas1970Rock, LatinDetails
SantanaBorboletta1974Jazz, Rock, LatinDetails
SantanaCaravanserai1972Jazz, Rock, LatinDetails
SantanaIII1971Rock, LatinDetails
SantanaInner Secrets1978Rock, Pop RockDetails
SantanaMarathon1979Rock, FusionDetails
SantanaMoonflower1977Fusion, Latin Jazz, RockDetails
SantanaSantana1969Rock, LatinDetails
SantanaSantana IV Live At The House Of Blues Las Vegas2016Rock, LatinDetails
SantanaShango1982Rock, LatinDetails
SantanaZebob1981Fusion, Pop Rock, Latin JazzDetails
Santana, CarlosHavana Moon1983Rock, LatinDetails
Savage RoseTravelin´1969 / 1977Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Savoy BrownBoogie Brothers1974Blues RockDetails
Schneider, HelenLet It Be Now1978Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Schneider, HelenWith the Kick1981Details
Schoener, EberhardFlashback1978Electronic, RockDetails
ScorpionsTokyo Tapes1978Hard RockDetails
Sea LeavelSea Level1977Details
SearchersGolden Hour1972BeatDetails
SelecterToo Much Pressure1980SkaDetails
ShadowsRock On With The Shadows1980InstrumentalDetails
Shakin StevensMarie, Marie1980Rock & RollDetails
Shepherd Band, Kenny WayneStraight To You Live2020Blues RockDetails
Silver CondorSilver Condor1981Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Simon & GarfunkelSimon And Garfunkel's Greatest1972Folk RockDetails
Simon, PaulHearts And Bones1983RockDetails
Simple MindsIn the City of Light1987Pop Rock, Synth-pop, Arena RockDetails
Simply RedStars1991Pop RockDetails
Sirkel & CoSirkel & Co1976RockDetails
SkyII1980Prog RockDetails
Slim, MemphisWith Mother Earth1972BluesDetails
Small FacesPlaymates1977RockDetails
Small FacesThe Autumn Stone1972 / 1975Rock, PopDetails
SmokieThe Other Side Of The Road1979Soft Rock, Pop RockDetails
Soft MachineBundles1975Jazz RockDetails
Soft MachineThird1970Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
SparksIndiscreet1975Pop RockDetails
SparksPropaganda1974Pop RockDetails
SpliffSpliff Radio ShowDetails
Spooky ToothSpooky Two1969Blues Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Spooky ToothThe Last Puff1970 / 1983Blues Rock, Art Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Spooky ToothThe Mirror1974Prog Rock, Art RockDetails
Spooky ToothWitness1973Blues Rock, Prog RockDetails
Spooky ToothYou broke My Heart1973Blues Rock, Prog RockDetails
SpotnicksIf You Could Read My Mind1976Pop IntrumentalDetails
SpotnicksThe Best Of The Spotnicks1972Instrumental-GuitarDetails
Springfield, RickHard To Hold - Soundtrack Recording1984Soundtrack, Pop RockDetails
Springfield, RickLiving in Oz1983Pop RockDetails
Springsteen, BruceBorn In The U.S.A.1984 / 2015Rock, Pop RockDetails
Springsteen, BruceThe River1980RockDetails
Springsteen, BruceTunnel of Love1987Soft Rock, Pop Rock, BalladDetails
Squier, BillyEmotions In Motion1982Hard Rock, Classic RockDetails
StarshipNo Protection1987Pop RockDetails
SteamhammerMountains1970 / 1975Rock, Blues RockDetails
SteamhammerSpeech1972 / 1978Prog Rock, Blues Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
SteamhammerSteamhammer1970 / 1975Rock, Blues RockDetails
Steely DanAja1977Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
Steely DanCan't Buy a Thrill1972 / 1974Pop Rock, FusionDetails
Steely DanCountdown to Ecstasy1973 / 1974Pop Rock, FusionDetails
Steely DanFour Tracks From Steely Dan1977Pop Rock, Classic RockDetails
Steely DanKaty Lied1975Pop RockDetails
Steely DanPretzel Logic1974 / 1976Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
Steely DanThe Royal Scam1976Pop Rock, FusionDetails
Stephen StillsStephen Stills Live1975Acoustic, Classic RockDetails
Stevens, CatGreatest Hits1975Folk Rock, Soft Rock, Pop RockDetails
Stewart, RodBody Wishes1983Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Stewart, RodFoolish Behaviour1980Rock, Pop-RockDetails
Stewart, RodHistoria De La Musica Rock – 121981RockDetails
Stills-Young BandLong May You Run1976Folk Rock, Country RockDetails
StingBring on the Night1986Jazz, RockDetails
StingNothing Like The Sun1987Jazz, Rock, PopDetails
StingThe Soul Cages1991Jazz, Rock, PopDetails
Stone the CrowsOde to John Law1970Blues RockDetails
Stone the CrowsOntinuous Performance1972Rock, Blues RockDetails
Stone the CrowsStone the Crows 70 - 721976Rock, Blues RockDetails
Stone, Sly & FamilyHigh Energy1975Soul, FunkDetails
Stone, Sly & FamilyStand1968Soul, FunkDetails
Straight ShooterMy Time - Your Time1979Hard RockDetails
Stray CatsStray Cats1981RockabillyDetails
Stray DogStray Dog1973RockDetails
Streetwalkers (Chapman, Roger)Streetwalkers1975RockDetails
Streisand, BarbraBarbra Streisand's Greatest Hit1980Easy Listening, Soft Rock, BalladDetails
StyxPieces of Eight1978RockDetails
SupertrampBreakfast in America1979Pop RockDetails
SupertrampCrime Of The Century1974Prog Rock, Pop RockDetails
SupremesGreatest Hits1967Tamla MotownDetails
Sweet SmokeJust A Poke1970Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
T. RexGreat Hits1972Glam RockDetails
Talking HeadsRemain in Light1980New Wave, Pop RockDetails
Talking HeadsSpeaking In Tongues1983New Wave, Pop RockDetails
Talking HeadsStop Making Sense1984New Wave, Pop RockDetails
Tangerine DreamExit1981ElektronicDetails
Tasavallan PresidenttiLambertland1974Jazz-Rock, Prog RockDetails
Taste, Gallagher, RoryOn The Boards1970Blues Rock, Classic RockDetails
Ted Heath Vs. Edmundo RosSwing Vs. Latin1964Swing, LatinDetails
Tedeschi Trucks BandRevelator2010 / 2015Blues RockDetails
TempestTempest1973Prog Rock, Jazz RockDetails
Ten CCHow Dare You1975Art Rock, Pop Rock, Prog RockDetails
Ten CCOriginal Soundtrack1975Art RockDetails
Ten Years AfterSsssh.1969Blues RockDetails
Them & Van MorrisonDie Weisse Serie1982Rhythm and bluesDetails
Thin LizzyChinatown1980Hard RockDetails
Thin LizzyFighting1975Hard RockDetails
Thin LizzyJohnny the Fox1976Hard RockDetails
Thin LizzyLive and Dangerous1978Rock, Hard RockDetails
Third WorldThe Story's Been Told1979Reggae, DiscoDetails
Thorogood, George And The DestroyersMore George Thorogood And The Destroyers1980 Blues RockDetails
Tikaram, TanitaAncient Heart1988Pop RockDetails
Ton Steine ScherbenWarum Geht Es Mir So Dreckig?1971Alternative Rock, Polit RockDetails
Ton Steine ScherbenWenn Die Nacht Am Tiefsten1975Alternative Rock, PunkDetails
TotoIsolation1984Pop RockDetails
Townshend, PeterWho Came First1972RockDetails
Tozzzi, UmbertiUmberto Tozzi1980Details
TraceBirds1975Jazz-Rock, Prog RockDetails
TraceTrace1974Psychedelic Rock, ExperimentalDetails
TrafficJohn Barleycorn Must Die1970Folk Rock, Prog RockDetails
TrafficLast Exit1969 / 1974RockDetails
TrafficMr. Fantasy1967 / 1976Psychedelic RockDetails
TrafficOn the road1973Prog Rock, Jazz-RockDetails
TrampolinIn The Dead Of The Night1980RockDetails
TrapezeHot Wire1974Hard RockDetails
TrapezeYou Are the Music...We´re Just The Band1972Hard RockDetails
Travers, PatPat Travers1976Blues RockDetails
Travers, PatPutting It Straight1977Hard RockDetails
Trigger HippyTrigger Hippy2014Rock, Country, Blues RockDetails
Trower, RobinBridge of Sighs1974Blues RockDetails
Trower, RobinLive1976Blues RockDetails
TubesDarted in My Own Armchair1976Alternative RockDetails
Turner, Ike & TinaGreatest Hits1976 / 2018Rock, Funk / SoulDetails
Turner, Ike & TinaLive at Carnegie Hall1971Rock, Funk / Soul, PopDetails
Turner, Ike & TinaSweet Rhode Island Red1974Rock, Funk / Soul, PopDetails
Turner, Ike & TinaWorld Of (Live)1972Rock, Funk / Soul, BluesDetails
Turner, TinaBreak Every Rule1986Rock, Pop RockDetails
TurtlesGreatest Hits1974Rock, Pop Rock, BeatDetails
Tyner, McCoyTrident1975JazzDetails
U2Rattle And Hum1988Rock, PopDetails
UfoLights out1977Hard RockDetails
UfoNo Heavy Petting1976Hard RockDetails
UfoStrangers in the Night1978Hard RockDetails
Uriah HeepSalisbury1970Details
Uriah HeepUriah Heep Live1973Classic Rock, Hard RockDetails
Uriah HeepWonderworld1974Hard Rock, Prog RockDetails
Valens, RitchieI Remember Ritchie Valens - His Greatest Hits1967Rock & RollDetails
Van Der Graaf GeneratorPawn Hearts1971 / 1972Art Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Van HalenOU8121988Hard Rock, Heavy MetalDetails
van Veen, HermanHeute Abend1980AvantgardeDetails
Vaughan, JimmieBaby, Please Come Home2019BluesDetails
Velvet UndergroundLive At Max's Kansas City1972Art Rock, Lo-Fi, ExperimentalDetails
Velvet Underground & NicoThe Velvet Underground & Nico1967 / 2015Rock, AvantgardeDetails
VitesseLive1980Rock, New WaveDetails
Walsh, JoeBut Seriously, Folks...1978RockDetails
Walsh, JoeFour Tracks From Joe Walsh1977Blues RockDetails
Warm DustDreams of Impossibilities1971Fusion, Jazz-Rock, Prog RockDetails
Warm DustWarm Dust1970Psychedelic Rock, Prog RockDetails
Washington, Grover Jr.Come Morning1981Jazz, Funk, SoulDetails
Watts, Charlie OrchestraLive At Fulham Town Hall1986Big BandDetails
Westbrook. MikeCitadel/Room 3151975Big Band, Contemporary JazzDetails
Wet WillieLeft Coast Live1977Blues Rock, Southern RockDetails
White, AlanRamshackled1976Jazz-Rock, Fusion, Prog RockDetails
White, LennyVenusian Summer1975Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
WhitesnakeReady an' Willing1980Blues Rock, Hard RockDetails
WhitesnakeSaints & Sinners1982Hard RockDetails
WhitesnakeTrouble1978Blues Rock, Hard RockDetails
WhoBy Numbers1975RockDetails
WhoLive At Leeds (remastered)1970 / 2017RockDetails
WhoMeaty, Beaty, Big & Bouncy1971RockDetails
WhoPop Giants1974RockDetails
WhoThe Kids Are Alright1979RockDetails
WhoThe Who1968Mod, Beat, Psychedelic RockDetails
WhoWho's Next1971RockDetails
Wild CherryElectrified Funk1977Funk, DiscoDetails
Wild CherryOnly the Wild Survive1979Funk, DiscoDetails
Williams, TonyMillion Dollar Legs1976Jazz Rock, FusionDetails
Williams, TonyThe Old Bum's Rush1972JazzDetails
Wilson, Precious All Coloured In Love1982DiscoDetails
Winter, EdgarJasmine Nightdreams1975Jazz-Rock, Pop Rock, FunkDetails
Winter, EdgarRoadwork1972RockDetails
Winter, EdgarShock Treatment1974Hard RockDetails
Winter, JohnnyJohn Dawson Winter III1974Blues RockDetails
Winter, JohnnyLive1970Blues RockDetails
Winter, JohnnySecond Winter1970Blues RockDetails
Winter, JohnnySerious Buisiness1985Blues RockDetails
Winwood, Capaldi, Mason....Welcome To The Canteen1971Prog Rock, Psychedelic RockDetails
Winwood, SteveArc of a Diver1980Rock, PopDetails
Winwood, SteveBack In The High Life1986Pop RockDetails
Wishbone AshLive Dates1973RockDetails
Wishbone AshLive Dates Vol. II1980RockDetails
Wishbone AshNumber the Brave1981RockDetails
Wishbone AshPilgrimage/Argus 2 Original LP SET1972RockDetails
Wishbone AshRaw to the Bone1984RockDetails
Wishbone AshThere's The Rub1974Prog RockDetails
Wolf, HowlinThe London H.W. Sessions1970BluesDetails
Wonder, StevieFulfillingness' First Finale1974Funk / SoulDetails
Woodmansey, WoodyU-Boat1977GlamDetails
Working WeekWorking Nights1985Acid Jazz, Soul, LatinDetails
Wright, GaryDream Weaver1975Pop Rock, Symphonic RockDetails
Wright, GaryFootprint1972Pop RockDetails
Wright, GaryThe Right Place1981Pop RockDetails
Wright, GaryTouch and Gone1977Pop RockDetails
Yamashta, StomuGo Too1977Fusion, AvantgardeDetails
YardbirdsSpotlight On1976Rock, Beat, R&BDetails
YardbirdsThe Yardbirds1966 Blues RockDetails
Yes901251983Pop Rock, Synth-pop, Prog RockDetails
YesGoing for the One1977Prog RockDetails
YesTormato1978Prog RockDetails
YesYessongs1973Prog Rock, Symphonic RockDetails
Young, NeilDecade1977Rock, Folk RockDetails
Young, NeilHarvest1972Folkrock, CountryrockDetails
Young, NeilLive Rust1979Folkrock, RockDetails
Young, NeilOn The Beach1974Folkrock, BluesDetails
Young, Neil / Crazy HorseZuma1975RockDetails
YoungbloodsThe Best Of The Youngbloods1970Rock, Folk RockDetails
ZeitgeistZeitgeist1982New Wave, ElectronicDetails
ZZ TopBest of1977Blues RockDetails
ZZ TopDeguello1979Blues RockDetails
ZZ TopEl Loco1981Blues RockDetails
ZZ TopFandango!1975Blues RockDetails
ZZ TopFirst Album1971Blues Rock, Texas BluesDetails
ZZ TopRio Grande Mud1972Blues RockDetails
ZZ TopTejas1976Blues RockDetails